A thing of spectacular beauty David Hockney's A Bigger Book- cataloguing the technicelour career of the man who is probably the world's most famous living artist from the and takes fwo men somove t copies have been on sale at the Coningham glery fo year-and that was for he print alone And with a recent han at any other gallesyinacheving a oond price for the artis at he UKoutside London Marlene Tschen MDol book's publishens, art TASCHEN ay specialio time to buy work by one of Yoriahie am very happy abot our fwourite sons with the Amarket Gallery komplete with bempoko hining star in the Noth But it's also looking ke being a cann nvestment the irst t000 books lhow a stand designed by Mark Newson and publshed by specialia publisher The ArmaritGallery has a selection om the edition of 10000 cost an eye watering £4000 each Bu ny for E2250-though that price may T go up as he book begins to sell out andwork signed by Daid Hockn a limted edtion et 250 books prine 8 with the second 2s0 and so on end of this yea humy t you want ons d-they don't hang abou THE DAVID HOCKNEY SUMO A Bigger Book | Signed Limited Edition 197 Haligate Cottingham, H 48 kt woast an market 82 876 ALL ABOUT THE ART